14 research outputs found

    Deliverable DJRA1.3: Tool prototype for creating and stitching multiple network resources for virtual infrastructures

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    This document describes the prototype FEDERICA Slice Tool developed for the virtualization of network elements in FEDERICA and for creating and stitching network resources over this virtual infrastructure. An SNMP-based resource discovery prototype is also introduced as a new functionality to be integrated in the tool.The deliverable also presents aviability study for the use of traffic prioritization in the FEDERICA infrastructure and some network performance measurements on a real slice within FEDERICA.This document reports the final results of JRA1.2 Activity in the development of a tool prototype for creating sets ofvirtual resourcesinFEDERICA.The prototype goal is to simplify and automate part of the work for NOC.The tool may also serve,with different privileges, a FEDERICA user to operate on his/her slice. The tool described here was designed with the objective of providing an interactive application with a graphical interface to operate on resources for the NOC and the end users (researchers). The tool simplify the creation and configuration of resources in a slice and it is a mandatory step to ensure scalability of the NOC effort. It offers an interactive Graphical User Interface that translates the users’ actions to commands in the substrate (networknodesandV-nodes)andslice elements(VirtualMachines).User accounts may be created for the NOC and for researchers, each with specific privileges to enable different sets of capabilities. The NOC account has full access to all the resources in the substrate, while each user’account has full access only to the virtual resources in his/her slice. The tool has been developed using the Java programming language as Open Source code and relies on the open source Globus® Toolkit. Testing has been performed in a laboratory environment and on some FEDERICA substrate equipment (1switch, 2VMwareServers) in their standard configuration. For testing the router, web services and GUI an additional computer was used, using a public IP address.Postprint (published version

    Deliverable DJRA1.2. Solutions and protocols proposal for the network control, management and monitoring in a virtualized network context

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    This deliverable presents several research proposals for the FEDERICA network, in different subjects, such as monitoring, routing, signalling, resource discovery, and isolation. For each topic one or more possible solutions are elaborated, explaining the background, functioning and the implications of the proposed solutions.This deliverable goes further on the research aspects within FEDERICA. First of all the architecture of the control plane for the FEDERICA infrastructure will be defined. Several possibilities could be implemented, using the basic FEDERICA infrastructure as a starting point. The focus on this document is the intra-domain aspects of the control plane and their properties. Also some inter-domain aspects are addressed. The main objective of this deliverable is to lay great stress on creating and implementing the prototype/tool for the FEDERICA slice-oriented control system using the appropriate framework. This deliverable goes deeply into the definition of the containers between entities and their syntax, preparing this tool for the future implementation of any kind of algorithm related to the control plane, for both to apply UPB policies or to configure it by hand. We opt for an open solution despite the real time limitations that we could have (for instance, opening web services connexions or applying fast recovering mechanisms). The application being developed is the central element in the control plane, and additional features must be added to this application. This control plane, from the functionality point of view, is composed by several procedures that provide a reliable application and that include some mechanisms or algorithms to be able to discover and assign resources to the user. To achieve this, several topics must be researched in order to propose new protocols for the virtual infrastructure. The topics and necessary features covered in this document include resource discovery, resource allocation, signalling, routing, isolation and monitoring. All these topics must be researched in order to find a good solution for the FEDERICA network. Some of these algorithms have started to be analyzed and will be expanded in the next deliverable. Current standardization and existing solutions have been investigated in order to find a good solution for FEDERICA. Resource discovery is an important issue within the FEDERICA network, as manual resource discovery is no option, due to scalability requirement. Furthermore, no standardization exists, so knowledge must be obtained from related work. Ideally, the proposed solutions for these topics should not only be adequate specifically for this infrastructure, but could also be applied to other virtualized networks.Postprint (published version

    Kawasaki disease in Iceland 1996-2005, epidemiology and complications

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/Open Allur texti - Full textOBJECTIVE: To analyze the epidemiology of Kawasaki disease in Icelandic children and its complications. METHODS: A retrospective analysis of all cases of Kawasaki disease and atypical Kawasaki disease in children in Iceland from 1996-2005. Chart records were reviewed and children diagnosed at Landspítali - University Hospital invited for a Follow up study with emphasis on heart complications. RESULTS: Thirty children were diagnosed with Kawasaki disease, annual incidence was 10.7/100.000 children <5 years of age. The boy:girl ratio was 2.3:1. All 30 children were treated with IVIG, without any major adverse events related to the treatment. The median time from the initial symptoms to treatment was six days (range 3-31 days). There was no mortality. Two children developed coronary aneurysms and three coronary ectasia. Follow up echocardiography was preformed in 23 of the children four to twelve years after Kawasaki disease. Two of the children still had coronary ectasia, and six (26%) had mitral regurgitation. CONCLUSIONS: The incidence of Kawasaki disease in Iceland was comparable to an earlier Icelandic study and reported incidence in the Nordic countries. Coronary involvement during the acute phase was mild, and all coronary aneurysm regressed. Serious cardiac complications were not seen. Children with Kawasaki disease in Iceland have favorable prognosis. Interestingly, mild mitral regurgitation and coronary ectasia were common at mid-term follow up.Tilgangur: Markmið rannsóknarinnar var að athuga faraldsfræði og fylgi­kvilla Kawasaki-sjúkdóms hjá börnum á Íslandi. Efniviður/aðferðir: Afturskyggn rannsókn, frá ársbyrjun 1996 til ársloka 2005. Leitað var að börnum með Kawasaki-sjúkdóm eða óhefðbundinn Kawasaki-sjúkdóm. Þeim börnum sem greindust á Landspítala var boðin þátttaka í framhaldsrannsókn með áherslu á langtímaaukaverkanir á hjarta. Niðurstöður: Alls greindust 30 börn með Kawasaki-sjúkdóm á tímabilinu. Nýgengi var 10,7/100.000 hjá börnum <5 ára á ári og kynjahlutfall 2,3:1 (drengir:stúlkur). Öll börnin fengu meðferð með mótefnum í æð án alvarlegra fylgikvilla. Miðfjöldi daga frá upphafi veikinda til mótefnagjafar voru 6 dagar (spönn 3-31dagur). Í bráðafasa fengu tveir (6,7%) kransæðagúla og víkkun mældist á kransæðum þriggja barna (10%). Enginn sjúklingur lést. Við endurkomu, fjórum til 12 árum eftir veikindin, voru tveir enn með kransæðavíkkun og 6 með míturlokuleka (26%). Ályktanir: Nýgengi og kynjahlutfall var sambærilegt við fyrri íslenska rannsókn og rannsóknir frá Norðurlöndunum. Fá börn greindust með kransæðabreytingar í bráðafasanum, þær breytingar sem greindust gengu til baka í öllum tilvikum nema tveimur og engir alvarlegir fylgikvillar urðu af þeirra völdum. Horfur barna sem greinast með Kawasaki-sjúkdóm á Íslandi eru góðar, en athygli vekur hátt algengi míturlokuleka

    Appendicitis and appendectomy in children in Reykjavik Hospitals in 1996 and 2006

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenINTRODUCTION: Appendicitis is a common disease and can be life-threatening if not adequately treated. Studies have shown that if less than 20% of appendices removed are normal it indicates missing or delaying the diagnosis of appendicitis, resulting in an increased incidence of perforation. The purpose of this study was to analyze appendicitis in children during two separate time periods in the pediatric wards of the hospitals in Reykjavík and to increase our knowledge of appendicitis in children in the country. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Patients entering this study are two groups of 100 children (< or =16 years) consecutively undergoing appendectomy in the Reykjavik hospitals, one group in 1996 and the other in 2006. Data on sex, age, clinical symptoms and treatment was obtained from patients records. The impression of the surgeon at time of operation on the inflammation of the removed appendix was compared with results of histopathology analysis. All histopathology slides from appendices from 2006 were re-evaluated. The parameters in open appendectomies were compared to those in laparoscopic appendectomies. The two study periods were compared. RESULTS: The proportion of normal appendices was similar in both periods of the study, 18% in 2006 and 20% in 1996. The appendices were more often normal in female patients (p<0.05) and the large majority of those were removed by laparoscopic surgery. Perforation was present in 17% of inflamed appendices in both study groups. The time from patients arrival to hospital until surgery surpassed 10 hours in only one case in each study group. A discrepancy between the surgeon's assessment and the pathology result was noted only once in 2006 and in one additional case was the histopathological diagnosis altered following re-evaluation of the pathology slides. DISCUSSION: The proportion of non-inflamed appendices in appendectomies in children in Reykjavik is in accordance with that reported elsewhere and perforation is not common. There is a good concordance between surgical and pathological assessment with regard to inflammation of the appendices.Inngangur: Botnlangabólga er algengur sjúkdómur og lífshættulegur ef ekki er brugðist rétt við. Rannsóknir hafa sýnt að ef minna en fimmti hver fjarlægður botnlangi reynist óbólginn er fylgni við hækkun á hlutfalli rofinna botnlanga. Meginmarkmið rannsóknarinnar var að kanna hlutfall óbólginna fjarlægðra botnlanga á Barnaspítala Hringsins og barnadeild Sjúkrahúss Reykjavíkur á tveimur árum með 10 ára millibili og auka þekkingu á botnlangabólgu barna á Íslandi. Efniviður og aðferðir: Alls 100 börn (?16 ára) sem fóru í botnlangatöku á árinu 2006 og 100 börn frá árinu 1996 komu inn í rannsóknina, en hópurinn var samfelldur og því ekki valinn. Upplýsingum um kyn, aldur, klínísk einkenni og meðferð var safnað úr sjúkraskýrslum. Klínísk greining og mat skurðlækna á ástandi botnlanga í aðgerð var borin saman við vefjagreiningarniðurstöður. Öll vefjasýni ársins 2006 voru endurskoðuð af rannsakendum og matið borið saman við fyrri vefjagreiningar. Niðurstöður frá árunum tveimur voru bornar saman. Niðurstöður: Hlutfall óbólginna botnlanga var svipað bæði rannsóknarárin, eða 18% árið 2006 og 20% árið 1996. Botnlangi í stúlkum reyndist marktækt oftar eðlilegur (p<0,05) og nær eingöngu stúlkur fóru í aðgerð með kviðsjá. Bólgnu botnlangarnir reyndust rofnir í 17% tilvika bæði árin. Biðtími sjúklinga frá komu á sjúkrahús að aðgerð var aðeins í eitt skipti hvort árið lengri en 10 klst. Í einu tilviki 2006 kom fram misræmi milli mats skurðlæknis og niðurstöðu vefjagreiningar og meinafræðiáliti var breytt í eitt skipti eftir endurmat vefjasneiða. Ályktanir: Hlutfall óbólginna botnlanga í þessari rannsókn er í samræmi við það sem hingað til hefur verið viðurkennt að erfitt sé að komast hjá og rof á botnlanga reyndist ekki algengt. Gott samræmi er milli mats skurðlækna á botnlanga í aðgerð og meinafræðiniðurstöðu

    Survival and causes of death in children diagnosed with cancer in Iceland 1981-2006

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn Skoða/Opna(view/open)OBJECTIVE: Of children diagnosed with cancer, approximately one fourth die of the disease or disease related complications. The aim of this study was to investigate survival and causes of death in children with cancer in Iceland. METHODS: This study is retrospective; population based and includes all children, less than 18 years of age, diagnosed with cancer in Iceland from 1981 to 2006. Information was extracted from the Icelandic Cancer Registry, patients hospital records and data from Statistics Iceland. RESULTS: Of 279 children diagnosed with cancer in the research period 215 were alive at the end of 2008. The overall 5-year survival was 81.2% and 10-year survival was 76.7%. There was not a significant survival difference with respect to age at diagnosis, year of diagnosis, gender or geographical residence. The small cohort size could be the explanation. Eleven individuals developed secondary neoplasm, eight of whom died. Sixteen of the 64 nonsurvivors were treated with curative intent until death, 12 of them died of therapy related complications. CONCLUSIONS: Survival rate in childhood cancer in Iceland is comparable to other Western countries. As previously reported, prognosis of patients with secondary neoplasm is unfavorable. Therapy related complications are the most common cause of death in patients treated with curative intent.Inngangur: Um fjórðungur barna sem greinist með krabbamein deyr vegna sjúkdóms síns eða meðferðartengdra fylgikvilla. Tilgangur rannsóknarinnar var að kanna lifun og dánarorsakir barna sem greinst hafa með krabbamein á Íslandi. Aðferðir: Rannsóknin var afturskyggn, lýðgrunduð og náði til allra einstaklinga yngri en 18 ára sem greindust með krabbamein á Íslandi frá upphafi árs 1981 til loka ársins 2006. Upplýsingum var safnað frá Krabbameinsskrá Íslands, sjúkraskrám og Hagstofu Íslands. Niðurstöður: Á rannsóknartímabilinu greindust 279 börn með krabbamein á Íslandi. Af þeim voru 215 á lífi í lok árs 2008. Á tímabilinu var fimm ára lifun 81,2% og 10 ára lifun 76,7%. Ekki var marktækur munur á lifun milli kynja, greiningartímabila, aldurs eða búsetu. Gæti það skýrst af smæð þýðisins. Lifun var mismunandi eftir krabbameinstegundum. Ellefu einstaklingar greindust síðar með meðferðartengd krabbamein, átta þeirra létust. Sextán þeirra 64 sem létust voru í læknandi meðferð fram að andláti. Var dánarorsök meðferðartengdir fylgikvillar hjá 12 úr þeim hópi. Ályktun: Horfur barna og unglinga á Íslandi með krabbamein eru sambærilegar við önnur vestræn ríki. Horfur eru mun verri í meðferðartengdum krabbameinum samanborið við frumkrabbamein. Meðferðartengdir fylgikvillar eru algengasta dánarorsök ef krabbameinsmeðferð er gefin með læknanlegum tilgangi

    Childhood cancer in Iceland 1981-2006

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn Skoða/Opna(view/open)BACKGROUND: Childhood cancer is the second most common cause of death in children. The aim of this study was to gather epidemiological information on childhood cancer in Iceland. METHODS: The study was population based and included all children younger than 18 years of age, diagnosed with cancer in Iceland from 1981 to 2006. Information was extracted from the Icelandic Cancer Registry and patient hospital records. RESULTS: During the study period 288 cancer cases were diagnosed in 279 children, 10 cases were secondary neoplasms. Age standardized incidence was 16.1 per 100.000 (95% CI 13,6-18,6) for boys and 12.8 per 100.000 (95% CI 10,5-15,0) for girls. There was no significant difference in the incidence rate between the first and second half of the study period. For children aged 0-14 years, the age standardized incidence was 13.6 per 100.000. The incidence was highest in the 0-4 year age group (17.3 per 100.000) and in the 15-17 year age group (19.6 per 100.000). Brain tumors (27.1%) and leukemia (25.0%) were the most common cancer groups diagnosed. Lymphoid leukemia was the most common cancer type (17.9%) and astrocytoma (13.1%) came second. CONCLUSIONS: The incidence of childhood cancer in Iceland is similar to other Western countries. Long-term follow-up is very important in childhood cancer survivors.Inngangur: Krabbamein er næst algengasta dánarorsök barna á eftir slysum. Tilgangur rann-sóknarinnar var að kanna nýgengi krabbameina hjá börnum á Íslandi.
 Aðferðir: Rannsóknin var lýðgrunduð og náði til allra <18 ára sem greindust með krabbamein á Íslandi frá upphafi árs 1981 til ársloka 2006. Upplýsingum var safnað frá Krabbameinsskrá Íslands og úr sjúkraskrám.
 Niðurstöður: Alls greindust 288 krabbameinstilfelli á tímabilinu hjá 279 börnum. Í 10 tilvikum var um meðferðartengd krabbamein að ræða. Árlegt aldursstaðlað nýgengi hjá drengjum var 16,1 af 100.000 (95% CI; 13,6-18,6) en hjá stúlkum 12,8 af 100.000 (95% CI; 10,5-15,0) en ekki var marktækur munur á nýgengi milli fyrri og seinni hluta rannsóknartímabilsins. Fyrir aldursbilið 0-14 ára var árlegt aldursstaðlað nýgengi 13,6 af 100.000. Miðtaugakerfisæxli og hvítblæði voru samanlagt 52,1% allra krabbameinstilvika. Algengasta grein-ingin var bráða eitilfrumuhvítblæði (17,9%) og stjarnfrumnaæxli (13,1%) næstalgengust. Nýgeng-ið var hæst hjá aldursbilunum 0-4 ára (17,3 af 100.00) og 15-17 ára (19,6 af 100.000). Tíu börn voru með þekkta meðfædda áhættuþætti.
 Ályktun: Nýgengi krabbameina hjá börnum á Íslandi er sambærilegt við nágrannalöndin. Mikilvægt er að fylgja vel eftir börnum sem gengið hafa í gegnum krabbameinsmeðferð og þeim sem hafa þekkta meðfædda áhættuþætti.

    Deliverable DJRA1.3: Tool prototype for creating and stitching multiple network resources for virtual infrastructures

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    This document describes the prototype FEDERICA Slice Tool developed for the virtualization of network elements in FEDERICA and for creating and stitching network resources over this virtual infrastructure. An SNMP-based resource discovery prototype is also introduced as a new functionality to be integrated in the tool.The deliverable also presents aviability study for the use of traffic prioritization in the FEDERICA infrastructure and some network performance measurements on a real slice within FEDERICA.This document reports the final results of JRA1.2 Activity in the development of a tool prototype for creating sets ofvirtual resourcesinFEDERICA.The prototype goal is to simplify and automate part of the work for NOC.The tool may also serve,with different privileges, a FEDERICA user to operate on his/her slice. The tool described here was designed with the objective of providing an interactive application with a graphical interface to operate on resources for the NOC and the end users (researchers). The tool simplify the creation and configuration of resources in a slice and it is a mandatory step to ensure scalability of the NOC effort. It offers an interactive Graphical User Interface that translates the users’ actions to commands in the substrate (networknodesandV-nodes)andslice elements(VirtualMachines).User accounts may be created for the NOC and for researchers, each with specific privileges to enable different sets of capabilities. The NOC account has full access to all the resources in the substrate, while each user’account has full access only to the virtual resources in his/her slice. The tool has been developed using the Java programming language as Open Source code and relies on the open source Globus® Toolkit. Testing has been performed in a laboratory environment and on some FEDERICA substrate equipment (1switch, 2VMwareServers) in their standard configuration. For testing the router, web services and GUI an additional computer was used, using a public IP address

    Peptic ulcer disease and Helicobacter pylori. A comparative study of two different three-drug regimens

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenHelicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is now known to be strongly associated with gastritis type B, duodenal ulcer, gastric ulcer and perhaps gastric cancer. To cure peptic ulcer disease has become reality. This prospective study included 60 patients, 41 male and 19 females, with long history of peptic ulcer disease (1 - 41 yr, mean 16.5 yr), diagnosed with active duodenal ulcer (50) or gastric ulcer (10) during endoscopy of the upper gastrointestinal tract. After a positive CLO test and histologic confirmation as well as positive culture of H. pylori from the antral mucosa, patients were treated with conventional anti-ulcer therapy. After ulcers were healed (usually in 4 - 6 weeks) patients were randomized to take one of two regimens: 1) colloid bismuth sub-citrate 120 mg, four times a day for 28 days, metronidazole 400 mg, three times a day for 10 days and tetracyclin (DMT) 250 mg, four times a day for 14 days, 2) De-Nol 120 mg, four times a day for 28 days, metronidazole 400 mg, three times a day for 10 days and ampicillin 500 mg, four times a day for 14 days (DMA). Careful monitoring of compliance, symptoms, side effects, H. pylori status and ulcer recurrence by endoscopy was performed at one, two, six and 12 months after completion of triple therapy. Duodenal ulcer recurred in all six patients, that remained H. pylori positive (10%). Eradication of H. pylori was achieved in all patients (30) treated with DMT, and they remained H. pylori negative throughout the 12 months follow-up period. The compliance to the treatment regimens was excellent (<95%). Side effects were frequent (38%), but mild in most cases, mainly soft stool and nausea. One patient had to discontinue the treatment. Re-infection rate was 2% (one patient) during the 12 months follow-up period. A triple therapy with DMT was 100% effective in eradicating H. pylori and statistically superior (p = 0.0105) to DMA at 12 months follow-up. No ulcer recurrence occured in H. pylori negative patients. The importance of persistent and marked symptomatic improvement observed in this study as compared to conventional maintenance treatment has not been emphasized enough in the recent debates on ulcer treatment modalities. The ultimate benefit of H. pylori eradication in peptic ulcer disease should be evaluated by long term follow up studies.Meltingarsár eru langvinnur sjúkdómur. Bráðameðferð hefur verið hefðbundin og árangursrík síðustu áratugi. Eftir að meðferð lýkur er endurkomutíðni sáranna há, sem hefur orðið til þess að viðhaldsmeðferð er beitt í vaxandi mæli. Tengsl Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) við tilurð magabólgu, skeifugarnarsárs og magasárs hefur gjörbreytt viðhorfum til orsaka og meðferðar á þessum sjúkdómum. Vonir um raunverulega lækningu hafa nú vaknað og beinist meðferðin að því að uppræta bakteríuna. Lyf og samsetningar lyfja, tímalengd meðferðar, árangur og aukaverkanir era til rannsóknar. Í þessari framskyggnu rannsókn var borinn saman árangur lyfjasamsetninga með colloid bismuth subcitrate (CBS, De-Nol®), metrónídazól og ampicillin (DMA) annars vegar og colloid bismuth subcitrate (CBS, De-Nol(g)), metrónídazól og tetracýklín (DMT) hins vegar. Markmið rannsóknarinnar var að athuga upprætingu á H. pylori, aukaverkanir lyfjanna, meðferðarheldni, klínískan bata, nýgengi endursýkinga og endurkomu sára. Í rannsókninni voru 60 sjúklingar, 41 karl og 19 konur. Meðalaldur þeirra var 53 ár. Magasár höfðu 10 sjúklingar (16,7%) og skeifugarnarsár 50 sjúklingar (83,3%). Skilyrði fyrir þátttöku var nýgreint meltingarsár, minnst eins árs saga um meltingarsár og tilvist H. pylori í magahelli. Öll meltingarsár voru greind með holsjárskoðun og sýni tekin í CLO rannsókn, vefjarannsókn og ræktun. Eftir að sárin voru grædd með hefðbundinni lyfjameöferð voru sjúklingarnir meðhöndlaðir annað hvort með DMA (30 sjúklingar) eða DMT (30 sjúklingar) og þeim fylgt eftir í minnst eitt ár. Einum mánuði eftir að meðferð lauk reyndust 54 sjúklingar (90%) H. pylori neikvæðir en sex sjúklingar (10%) H. pylori jákvæðir. Við 12 mánaða eftirlit frá lokum þriggja lyfja meðferðar, voru allir í DMT hópnum H. pylori neikvæðir (100%). Hins vegar héldust sex sjúklingar (20%) í DMA hópnum H. pylori jákvæðir og þeir fengu allir meltingarsár aftur á eftirlitstímanum. Einn sjúklingur var aftur H. pylori jákvæður við 12 mánaða eftirlit og var endursýking þ vi um 2% innan eins árs frá lokum þriggja lyfja meðferðar. Aukaverkanir voru tíðar (38%) en í flestum tilvikum vægar. Meðferðarheldni var mjög góð. DMT er örugg meðferð til að uppræta H. pylori (100%) hjá sjúklingum með meltingar-sár og er árangursríkari heldur en meðferð með DMA (p = 0,024 eftir einn mánuð, p = 0,0105 eftir 12 mánuði). Sjúklingarnir sex sem héldust H. pylori jákvæðir, fengu allir meltingarsár innan eins árs. Klínískur bati var mjög áberandi meðal þeirra sem urðu H. pylori neikvæðir. Endursýking af bakteríunni fyrsta árið eftir meðferð er 2% (einn sjúklingur)

    Peptic ulcer disease and Helicobacter pylori. A comparative study of two different three-drug regimens

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenHelicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is now known to be strongly associated with gastritis type B, duodenal ulcer, gastric ulcer and perhaps gastric cancer. To cure peptic ulcer disease has become reality. This prospective study included 60 patients, 41 male and 19 females, with long history of peptic ulcer disease (1 - 41 yr, mean 16.5 yr), diagnosed with active duodenal ulcer (50) or gastric ulcer (10) during endoscopy of the upper gastrointestinal tract. After a positive CLO test and histologic confirmation as well as positive culture of H. pylori from the antral mucosa, patients were treated with conventional anti-ulcer therapy. After ulcers were healed (usually in 4 - 6 weeks) patients were randomized to take one of two regimens: 1) colloid bismuth sub-citrate 120 mg, four times a day for 28 days, metronidazole 400 mg, three times a day for 10 days and tetracyclin (DMT) 250 mg, four times a day for 14 days, 2) De-Nol 120 mg, four times a day for 28 days, metronidazole 400 mg, three times a day for 10 days and ampicillin 500 mg, four times a day for 14 days (DMA). Careful monitoring of compliance, symptoms, side effects, H. pylori status and ulcer recurrence by endoscopy was performed at one, two, six and 12 months after completion of triple therapy. Duodenal ulcer recurred in all six patients, that remained H. pylori positive (10%). Eradication of H. pylori was achieved in all patients (30) treated with DMT, and they remained H. pylori negative throughout the 12 months follow-up period. The compliance to the treatment regimens was excellent (<95%). Side effects were frequent (38%), but mild in most cases, mainly soft stool and nausea. One patient had to discontinue the treatment. Re-infection rate was 2% (one patient) during the 12 months follow-up period. A triple therapy with DMT was 100% effective in eradicating H. pylori and statistically superior (p = 0.0105) to DMA at 12 months follow-up. No ulcer recurrence occured in H. pylori negative patients. The importance of persistent and marked symptomatic improvement observed in this study as compared to conventional maintenance treatment has not been emphasized enough in the recent debates on ulcer treatment modalities. The ultimate benefit of H. pylori eradication in peptic ulcer disease should be evaluated by long term follow up studies.Meltingarsár eru langvinnur sjúkdómur. Bráðameðferð hefur verið hefðbundin og árangursrík síðustu áratugi. Eftir að meðferð lýkur er endurkomutíðni sáranna há, sem hefur orðið til þess að viðhaldsmeðferð er beitt í vaxandi mæli. Tengsl Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) við tilurð magabólgu, skeifugarnarsárs og magasárs hefur gjörbreytt viðhorfum til orsaka og meðferðar á þessum sjúkdómum. Vonir um raunverulega lækningu hafa nú vaknað og beinist meðferðin að því að uppræta bakteríuna. Lyf og samsetningar lyfja, tímalengd meðferðar, árangur og aukaverkanir era til rannsóknar. Í þessari framskyggnu rannsókn var borinn saman árangur lyfjasamsetninga með colloid bismuth subcitrate (CBS, De-Nol®), metrónídazól og ampicillin (DMA) annars vegar og colloid bismuth subcitrate (CBS, De-Nol(g)), metrónídazól og tetracýklín (DMT) hins vegar. Markmið rannsóknarinnar var að athuga upprætingu á H. pylori, aukaverkanir lyfjanna, meðferðarheldni, klínískan bata, nýgengi endursýkinga og endurkomu sára. Í rannsókninni voru 60 sjúklingar, 41 karl og 19 konur. Meðalaldur þeirra var 53 ár. Magasár höfðu 10 sjúklingar (16,7%) og skeifugarnarsár 50 sjúklingar (83,3%). Skilyrði fyrir þátttöku var nýgreint meltingarsár, minnst eins árs saga um meltingarsár og tilvist H. pylori í magahelli. Öll meltingarsár voru greind með holsjárskoðun og sýni tekin í CLO rannsókn, vefjarannsókn og ræktun. Eftir að sárin voru grædd með hefðbundinni lyfjameöferð voru sjúklingarnir meðhöndlaðir annað hvort með DMA (30 sjúklingar) eða DMT (30 sjúklingar) og þeim fylgt eftir í minnst eitt ár. Einum mánuði eftir að meðferð lauk reyndust 54 sjúklingar (90%) H. pylori neikvæðir en sex sjúklingar (10%) H. pylori jákvæðir. Við 12 mánaða eftirlit frá lokum þriggja lyfja meðferðar, voru allir í DMT hópnum H. pylori neikvæðir (100%). Hins vegar héldust sex sjúklingar (20%) í DMA hópnum H. pylori jákvæðir og þeir fengu allir meltingarsár aftur á eftirlitstímanum. Einn sjúklingur var aftur H. pylori jákvæður við 12 mánaða eftirlit og var endursýking þ vi um 2% innan eins árs frá lokum þriggja lyfja meðferðar. Aukaverkanir voru tíðar (38%) en í flestum tilvikum vægar. Meðferðarheldni var mjög góð. DMT er örugg meðferð til að uppræta H. pylori (100%) hjá sjúklingum með meltingar-sár og er árangursríkari heldur en meðferð með DMA (p = 0,024 eftir einn mánuð, p = 0,0105 eftir 12 mánuði). Sjúklingarnir sex sem héldust H. pylori jákvæðir, fengu allir meltingarsár innan eins árs. Klínískur bati var mjög áberandi meðal þeirra sem urðu H. pylori neikvæðir. Endursýking af bakteríunni fyrsta árið eftir meðferð er 2% (einn sjúklingur)

    Deliverable DJRA1.2. Solutions and protocols proposal for the network control, management and monitoring in a virtualized network context

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    This deliverable presents several research proposals for the FEDERICA network, in different subjects, such as monitoring, routing, signalling, resource discovery, and isolation. For each topic one or more possible solutions are elaborated, explaining the background, functioning and the implications of the proposed solutions.This deliverable goes further on the research aspects within FEDERICA. First of all the architecture of the control plane for the FEDERICA infrastructure will be defined. Several possibilities could be implemented, using the basic FEDERICA infrastructure as a starting point. The focus on this document is the intra-domain aspects of the control plane and their properties. Also some inter-domain aspects are addressed. The main objective of this deliverable is to lay great stress on creating and implementing the prototype/tool for the FEDERICA slice-oriented control system using the appropriate framework. This deliverable goes deeply into the definition of the containers between entities and their syntax, preparing this tool for the future implementation of any kind of algorithm related to the control plane, for both to apply UPB policies or to configure it by hand. We opt for an open solution despite the real time limitations that we could have (for instance, opening web services connexions or applying fast recovering mechanisms). The application being developed is the central element in the control plane, and additional features must be added to this application. This control plane, from the functionality point of view, is composed by several procedures that provide a reliable application and that include some mechanisms or algorithms to be able to discover and assign resources to the user. To achieve this, several topics must be researched in order to propose new protocols for the virtual infrastructure. The topics and necessary features covered in this document include resource discovery, resource allocation, signalling, routing, isolation and monitoring. All these topics must be researched in order to find a good solution for the FEDERICA network. Some of these algorithms have started to be analyzed and will be expanded in the next deliverable. Current standardization and existing solutions have been investigated in order to find a good solution for FEDERICA. Resource discovery is an important issue within the FEDERICA network, as manual resource discovery is no option, due to scalability requirement. Furthermore, no standardization exists, so knowledge must be obtained from related work. Ideally, the proposed solutions for these topics should not only be adequate specifically for this infrastructure, but could also be applied to other virtualized networks